17th German Law and Economics Association Annual Conference

The German Law and Economics Association (Gesellschaft für Recht und Ökonomik e.V) is honoured to announce that 17th edition of the annual conference will take place on July 11-12, 2019 in Hannover (Leibniz-Fachhochschule – School of Business). The main lecture of the conference “Competition and Cartel Law in the Digital Age” will be delivered by prof. dr. Justus Haucap from the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics and the Heinrich Heine University. The conference fee is 100 €.

The organizers also invite scholars to send scientific articles that will be presented at the conference – the deadline is February 26, 2019,  and decisions about qualifying or rejecting will be forwarded by the end of March. The organizers also provide financial support (partial coverage of costs) for young researchers wishing to take part in the event.

Detailed information on the conference and the rules for sending the publication are available in the information brochure.