Call for papers: 36th EALE Annual Conference

The call for papers for the 36th EALE Annual Conference (Tel Aviv University, 18-20 September 2019) is now open. Papers may be on any topic in or related to Law and Economics. Policy papers are eligible if they deal with very important and timely issues. Submissions must be original and not yet published and preference is given to full papers.

Submit online at by April 8, 2019.

In the submission form you will be asked to indicate whether you are eligible for the Göran Skogh Award for the most promising paper presented at the EALE Conference by a young scholar. To qualify for the award, all of the authors must have obtained their PhD prior to April 8, 2017. The winner will receive EUR 1,000.

If you would like your paper to be scheduled on a particular day for religious reasons, please send an email to contextually to the submission. Later scheduling requests will not be considered.

Acceptance will be communicated on or around May 25, 2019.
Confirmation through Registration: Authors of accepted papers will have about two weeks to confirm their attendance by registering to the conference. Papers by authors who are not able to confirm will be excluded from the program. We do this to minimize the number of empty slots at the conference.

Registration fee (including EALE membership): €300 for regular participants and €175 for Ph.D. students.

Accomodation: Tel Aviv tends to be a very busy city during September, and we strongly recommend to reserve your accomodation as early as possible. We are happy to offer you a choice of hotels in agreement with Tel Aviv University, at special rates for the participants of the conference – on an availability basis. A list of suggested accommodation options is available on the EALE website.

Please see the General Information about the conference on the EALE website.