10th International Meeting in Law &Economics

Dates : May 25-26, 2023

Location : Campus of the University Paris Nanterre

EconomiX (CNRS and Université Paris Nanterre), the Laboratoire d’Economie Dionysien (Paris 8 Université Vincennes-St Denis), ERUDITE (Université Paris Est-Créteil), and the Center for Economics of Paris Nord (CNRS and Université Sorbonne Paris Nord) will jointly organize the: 10th International Meeting in Law & Economics, on May 25-26, 2023.

The 2023 workshop will take place on the Campus of the University Paris Nanterre. The organization of this international conference dedicated to Law & Economics aims at establishing an annual meeting in order to attract top Law & Economics scholars on a regular basis in Ile- de-France, and to promote sustained interactions with the French scholars also interested in these topics. The workshop consists in 8 thematic sessions of 2 papers; this allows each speaker to have 45 minutes in all, and enables longer discussions with the audience than what is nowadays possible during the international conferences in the field.

Submissions must be sent before March 15, 2023, in a pdf format, and by email to eric.langlais@parisnanterre.fr. Papers (completed, or at least in preliminary draft) using various methodologies (theoretical, empirical, or experimental) and related to any topics of Law & Economics are welcome, including: Economics of Procedures, Litigations, Law and Finance, Economics of Competition Law, Tort Law and Liability Rules, Law Enforcement and Economics of Crime, Constitutional Law and Political Economics, Intellectual Property and Innovation, Contracts and Law.

European Doctorate in Law and Economics

Application for programme starting October 2023

Application deadline: 1st February 2023

5-6 scholarships available

  • one of the largest doctorate programmes in the field
  • a joint doctoral programme by four of the leading European universities: the Universities of Bologna, Hamburg, Rotterdam and Rennes 1
  • a chance to live in (at least) three different countries and to be supervised by experts in the field of Law and Economics
  • scholarships offered by partner universities
  • multiple doctoral degrees 

Admission to the programme:

Diploma or a bachelor and master degree in law or economics or a relevant field, or an equivalent university degree (second cycle qualification). 


Applicants will be selected on the basis of their academic merit and their capability of carrying out high-level scientific research activities in the field of the economic analysis of law, and in compliance with the regulations. Good knowledge of English is a prerequisite.

More information about the programme, the application procedure and required documents is available at  www.edle-phd.eu

For enquiries, please contactrotterdam@edle-phd.eu

Event of the Hamburg Network for Artificial Intelligence and Law (NAIL)

Event of the Hamburg Network for Artificial Intelligence and Law (NAIL) on Monday 12 December 2022 at 6:00 pm,  Universität Hamburg, Johnsallee 35, Room 110

“Bridging Tech and Policy Innovation: A Policy Experiment on the AI Act”

With: Antonella Zarra, AI Policy Program Manager, Meta

The Network for Artificial Intelligence and Law (NAIL) invites you to its next event. We are delighted to welcome Antonella Zarra, AI Policy Program Manager with Meta, to discuss Meta’s OpenLoop project, an initiative to improve the quality of regulation for technological issues. The event will be held in English.

The in-person event will take place at the Institute of Law & Economics, Room 110, Johnsallee 35, Hamburg. Please register for the event at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/bridging-tech-and-policy-innovation-a-policy-experiment-on-the-ai-act-tickets-468499262907

Alternatively, you may want to follow the event online. Please register for online participation by emailing nail@ile-hamburg.de.

The 39th EALE conference

The 39th EALE conference will be held in Carcavelos, Lisbon (Portugal) on September 15-16, 2022, at Nova School of Business and Economics (Carcavelos) and Nova School of Law (Lisbon).

  • Paper submission deadline: April 4, 2022
  • Communication of acceptance: May 30, 2022 (expected)
  • Final papers due by: July 30, 2022
  • Authors’ registration deadline: June 23, 2022
  • Final registration deadline for participants who do not present a paper: August 15, 2022
  • Conference dates: September 15-16, 2022.

GLEA annual conference 2022 in Nancy

The German Law and Economics Association (Gesellschaft für Recht und  konomike.V.) invites paper submissions for its 19th Annual Conference on July 7-8, 2022, Faculty of Law, Economics and Management, Nancy (France) Local organizer: Yannick Gabuthy (BETA, Universit  de Lorraine).

Programe objectives:

We welcome submissions of papers on any topic in Law and Economics. Submission of extended abstracts is acceptable, but priority will be given to completed manuscripts. We encourage submissions by young researchers at the PhD level to present and discuss their work with more experienced scholars.

Crucial dates and info:

  • Paper submission deadline: March 30, 2022
  • attendance fee will be €150 (€80 for PhDcandidates)

  Please apply using dedicated site

Simposium Rules and incentives in language policy and planning: Economic, legal and sociolinguistic approaches

REAL (Research group “Economics, policy analysis, and language”) organizes in 2022 an in- terdisciplinary symposium on June 16 and 17 at Andrássy-Universität Budapest and Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Ludovika (University of Public Service), Budapest. The program com- mittee consists of Michele Gazzola (Ulster University, REAL), Noémi Nagy (Nemzeti Közszol- gálati Egyetem), Anneliese Rieger (Andrássy-Universität), Balázs Vizi (Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem) and Bengt-Arne Wickström, chair (Andrássy-Universität, REAL).

Language policy is a form of public policy that in many countries finds its basis in consti- tutions, laws, decrees, or simply tradition. The contributions in the symposium will compare and scrutinize, both empirically and theoretically, the role of rules and incentives in influencing individual linguistic practices and representations. In addition, the symposium explores the in- tended and observed effects of the implementation of different language-policy instruments on speakers’ behavior and on multilingual practices in organizations.



Those interested in presenting a paper should send an abstract of no more than 500 words to Bengt-Arne Wickström before March 1.

Selected papers can be submitted to a thematic issue of the journal Language Problems & Language Planning and will be subjected to the normal refereeing procedure.


We are very happy that
Ainoa Aparicio Fenoll, Dipartimento di Scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche,

Università degli Studi di Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin and

Fernand de Varennes, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues have accepted our invitation to deliver the keynote addresses of the symposium.


• 2022-03-01 Deadline for submitting an abstract
• 2022-04-01 Decisions on submitted abstracts
• 2022-04-01 Opening of early registration
• 2022-04-15 Registration deadline for presenters of accepted papers
• 2022-05-15 Begin of late registration period (higher participation fee)

More information can be found here.

Asian Law and Economics Conference 2021 (Online)

The 17th Annual Asian Law and Economics Association (AsLEA) Conference will be held on December 11, 2021 in online format and hosted by Peking University Law School. Those interested in presenting papers are invited to submit their drafts along with a short abstract by November 28, 2021.

Organizers welcome submissions on topics in any areas of Law and Economics, although submissions dealing with questions that originate from Asia or are relevant to Asia today are encouraged. Submissions on traditional areas of Law and Economics as well as on new topics are welcome, and both theoretical and empirical research will be considered.


Organizers will consider any topics in or related to Law and Economics, including but not limited to the following:

Antitrust and Competition – Bankruptcy – Behavioral Law and Economics – Law and Economics of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data – Corporate Law and Corporate Governance – Contract Theory and Contract Law – Crimes and Criminal Law – Environmental Law and Economics – Family Law – Finance, Securities, and Capital Market Regulation – Health and Medical Law – Innovation – Intellectual Property – International Law and International Trade – Labor and Employment Law – Law and Development – Litigation, Dispute Resolution, and Legal Procedure – Mergers and Acquisitions – Political Economy and Public Choice – Privacy and Data Protection – Property Rights and Property Law – Public and Administrative Law – Regulation – Rule of Law and Legal Institutions – Social Welfare and Welfare Policy – Taxation – Tort Law

Organizers also welcome topics related to other fields of Economics, Finance and Law.

Important Dates

Submission of abstracts and draft papers: By November 28, 2021

Invitation sent to confirmed presenters: By December 5, 2021

Invitation sent to other registered participants: By December 9, 2021

Guideline for Submission and Registration

Submissions should be sent, in PDF and/or MS Word format, to the following e-mail address: aslea2021@163.com

Please include on the first page of your submission the following information: paper title, authors’ names and affiliations, and contact information including an email address for the corresponding author.

If you are interested in publishing your conference paper in the Asian Journal of Law and Economics, please indicate your interest when you make your initial submission.

If you are interested in registering as a non-presenting participant of the online conference, please send an email that includes your name, institutional affiliation, title/position at your institution, and institutional email address to aslea2021@163.com.   

TILTing conference

From 19-21 May, the online TILTing conference will take place featuring 6 conference tracks: Competition & Market Regulation, Intellectual Property, Energy & Climate Crisis, Data Governance, Human Rights & Artificial Intelligence, and an open track on Regulating in Times of Crisis.

More information about the program, the different tracks and registration (free of charge) is available here: https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/research/institutes-and-research-groups/tilt/events/tilting-perspectives

You are welcome to join any session of interest.

The Competition & Market Regulation track features 8 sessions spread over the 3 conference days with paper presentations on topics ranging from the Digital Markets Act, to data sharing, platform liability, competition in the health sector, sustainability and digital ecosystems.

Other highlights of the track include:

– Keynote speech by Anu Bradford (Columbia) on The Future of Liberal Democracy in the Era of Surveillance Capitalism and Digital Authoritarianism – Wednesday 19 May 15.30h CEST

– Panel discussion on Regulating Digital Platforms with Anu Bradford (Columbia), Catherine Batchelor (director of the Digital Markets Unit at the UK Competition & Markets Authority), Nataliia Bielova (Inria Sophia Antipolis) and Inge Graef (Tilburg). Moderator is Filippo Lancieri (Chicago) – Wednesday 19 May 16.30h CEST

– Workshop on Remedies for Digital Markets organized by Michal Gal (Haifa) and Nicolas Petit (EUI) – Friday 21 May 13.30h CEST

Speakers: Seth Benzel (MIT), Francesco Ducci (EUI), Alex Ruiz Feases (Tilburg), Michal Gal (Haifa), Inge Graef (Tilburg), John Kwoka (Northeastern), Filippo Lancieri (Chicago), Mark Lemley (Stanford), Nicolas Petit (EUI), Georgios Petropolous (MIT), Thibault Schrepel (Utrecht, Stanford)

Assistant Professor in Law and Economics, the Norwegian School of Economics

Assistant Professor in Law and Economics – Corporate Compliance and Enforcement: 


The position requires a doctoral degree in economics, law & economics, business studies, or finance from an accredited institution (those with a doctoral degree in law alone will not qualify). In addition, we seek candidates with competence in the field of corporate compliance, regulation for the sake of preventing market-related misconduct, and law enforcement.

Deadline for applications is 15 May 2021.

For questions, please consult Tina Søreide at tina.soreide@nhh.no