6th International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Litigation – Call for Papers

The 6th International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Litigation will be hosted by the University of Granada, Spain, on next June 24-25, 2019.

Objectives of the workshop: 
The aim of this meeting is to bring together economists and lawyers to discuss the problems of justice, courts’ functioning and the litigation process. This year, the organizers would like to put particular emphasis on the assessment of the Quality of Justice and its interaction with society and economic activity.
A selection of papers will be considered for publication on a special section of the International Review of Law and Economics.

The organizing committee encourages submissions of both theoretical and empirical works, especially in the following topics: Quality of Justice, Quality of Judicial Decisions, Constitutional Courts, Judicial Independence, Judicial Institutions and the Economy, Judicial Performance, Courts’ Organization, Judicial Decision-Making, Litigation Process, Comparative Judicial Systems.

Keynote Lecture:
Will be given by Nuno Garoupa. Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development & Faculty Director of Graduate Studies. George Mason University.

Scientific Committee:
Alessandro Melcarne, Université Paris Nanterre. France.
Fernando Gómez-Pomar, Pompeu Fabra University. Spain.
Francisco Cabrillo, Complutense University of Madrid. Spain.
Giovanni B. Ramello, University of Eastern Piedmont. Italy.
Giuseppe Di Vita, University of Catania. Italy.
Juan Mora-Sanguinetti, Bank of Spain-Eurosystem. Spain.
Sabela Oubiña, Autonomous University of Madrid. Spain.
Virginia Rosales, University of Granada. Spain.

Local Organizers: Virginia Rosales, Manuel Castilla and Manuel Correa

Important Dates:
•    Submission deadline: April 1, 2019
•    Notification of acceptance: April 24, 2019
•    Registration deadline: May 18, 2019

Details on the event and on the submission procedura are available on this website.